I really enjoyed our class discussion on digital materiality, which is a discussion I hear echoed in many places. The automotive world, for example, rarely has “mechanics.” Now we have […]
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Digital Materiality and . . . an Earthquake
This is more personal anecdote than a scholarly discussion, but it relates to the materiality of digital media and was an event that escaped most Western media outlets. Six years […]

Finding “Digital Materiality” Resources for Beginners
Erin’s post “Digital Materiality and the LoC” about her experience talking with local librarians and her find on the Library of Congress’s site “Why Digital Preservation is Important for Everyone” […]
Digital Materiality and the LoC
As I routed around Google for resources on digital materiality, I stumbled upon a video that spoke to something I’d been thinking about while reading Kirschenbaum: digital archiving and its […]
Not ready for prime time–initial thoughts on digital materiality
As I explored different web-based conversations on digital materiality, I was pleasantly surprised to come across the Materiality for Participation Workshop sponsored by the Noridc organization NordiCHI, a “forum for […]
DSpace and It’s Role in Digital Materiality
Before I start talking about DSpace, let me just say that it was a challenge to find a web-based resource related to digital materiality. I had to use my Yahoo! […]
Creepy Treehouse? Useful Tool? Both And . . .?
The Chronicle of Higher Eduction offers a short article on archiving students’ reading habits: “Data mining is creeping into every aspect of student life—classrooms, advising, socializing. Now it’s hitting textbooks, […]
The Mechanics of Visualization in Today’s World
Last week, before Superstorm Sandy struck the east coast I started to read the first six pages of Lev Manovich’s What Is Visualization? After losing power and getting it back two […]

Electoral Maps: Red, Blue, and Gray
Without the havens of work and school, I spent too much of last week prowling political websites and going gray over the election. Considering how much time I spent starting […]
Visualize this
OK, now I’m really excited. Visualization really speaks to me. I have always been a bit flustered or dismayed by using searches, search terms, etc. The assumption is that one […]