Author Archive | Jonathan Knust

Visualize this

OK, now I’m really excited.  Visualization really speaks to me. I have always been a bit flustered or dismayed by using searches, search terms, etc.  The assumption is that one […]

Grad School Reform

First of all, let me state quite unequivocally that I think it is a shame and it is wrong that tenure-track positions are evaporating.  I also decry other signs of […]

Open Systems, Open Minds

It was interesting to hear Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s narrative on how she became involved in digital scholarship–it arose from a natural desire to share thoughts and ideas more immediately and more […]

Everything is Copacetic

We again had some very interesting discussions about practicing and teaching Digital Humanities, and I was very happy to hear from classmates who’ve had some real world experience, and some […]

Some Thoughts on Defining DH

We have worked through some key concepts in trying to define Digital Humanities.  An important distinction about DH which Matt pointed out is the emphasis on the methodology of building, […]

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