Beneath the veneer of educational entertainment, nineteenth century panoramas performed significant ideological work, authorizing hegemonic histories, promoting nationalism, and conditioning spectators to be mass audience members. While grand theaters and […]
Author Archive | Will Fenton
To Be Seen and Remarked On
I read Mark Sample’s “Unseen and Unremarked On” with great interest—if only for utterly selfish reasons. I was pleased to see belated attention to DeLillo, whose vocal luddism belies a […]
The Filter Test
I believe it’s my turn to play the part of the skeptic, but before I do so, permit me to share the fruits of reconnaissance. In an itty-bitty footnote in […]

Electoral Maps: Red, Blue, and Gray
Without the havens of work and school, I spent too much of last week prowling political websites and going gray over the election. Considering how much time I spent starting […]
The Digital Archive as Process
In exploring the archives related to this week’s readings, I was struck less by the experience of using them, than by the materials they captured. Certainly, I don’t mean to […]
Baby Steps, Octopus
I was struck by the abundance of ambitious plans for reforming graduate study of the humanities. Whether it included inculcating critical vocationalism (Jay and Graff), expanding curricula (Grafton and Grossman), […]
Planned Obsolescence: Terrific. Now What?
In Planned Obsolescence, Kathleen Fitzpatrick poses some bold goals. Discussing authorship, she provides these dictums: “We need to think less about completed products and more about texts-in-process; less about individual […]
On Liberal Arts Campuses and Comp-Rhet Classes
My university—Fordham University—does not (yet) allocate the resources to DH that CUNY does. We do not yet have a Digital Humanities Center, and our DH community is just beginning to […]
Tool Review: GoodReader for iPad (3.17.0)
GoodReader, available for both iPad and iPhone ($5), allows users to open and edit images, documents, PDF files on their iOS device. (I installed and tested the app on my […]
Towards a DH Definition: Where Meeting Spaces meet Situations
Given that I’m still mapping the terrain of DH—a task I may not achieve given its shifting topography—it would be premature for me to propose my own definition. Whatever contribution […]