After reading the first three essays found in Envisioning The Future of The Digital Humanities in the Debates Book, I truly felt as though the future of DH is being hindered by […]
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Pac-Man? Tetris? Another World? Yup, the MoMA’s got that.
In light of your recent conversations about materiality and the terrific “The Commons and Digital Humanities in Museums” panel Wednesday, I thought that some folks might be interested in this […]
Early thoughts on building as performative theory
The debates about process and product that, in the previous ten or fifteen years, focused many conversations within the composition/rhetoric (comp/rhet) community seem also at play in DH. Comp/rhet, especially […]
DH Theory
I think that the articles in the Theorizing section presented some provocative and interesting ideas. I was particularly struck by Johanna Drucker’s essay, “Humanist Theory and Digital Scholarship.” In this […]
Explaining dh code in words
I found myself drawn to the twitter exchange between Scheinfeldt and Shaw, perhaps because it was mercifully brief, but more likely because it seemed to me to present a clear […]
Theorizing DH: A Medley of Opinions
While doing this week’s assigned readings, I was bombarded with diverse opinions from DH scholars regarding the topic of DH and theory. Of all of the brief essays I read […]
The Filter Test
I believe it’s my turn to play the part of the skeptic, but before I do so, permit me to share the fruits of reconnaissance. In an itty-bitty footnote in […]
Live Tweeting as Discussion in Class (Chronicle Article)
An interesting article in the Chronicle (although not very in depth) about live tweeting as discussion in a class:
First Draft of DH Project Proposal: Digital Archiving
After rereading the directions that Matt gave us regarding the final assignment, I have opted to write a proposal rather than write a seminar paper since the latter seems a […]
Digital Materiality and “the thingness of things”
After last week’s discussion with Matthew Kirschenbaum, I have been thinking more and more bout “the thingness of things” and the physical medium needed to store and convey digital text […]