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Author Archive | Dale Katherine Ireland
Pac-Man? Tetris? Another World? Yup, the MoMA’s got that.
In light of your recent conversations about materiality and the terrific “The Commons and Digital Humanities in Museums” panel Wednesday, I thought that some folks might be interested in this […]
Early thoughts on building as performative theory
The debates about process and product that, in the previous ten or fifteen years, focused many conversations within the composition/rhetoric (comp/rhet) community seem also at play in DH. Comp/rhet, especially […]
“Our hands become brooms, sweeping away the alphabetic dust before us” or Digital Materiality and Books
I really enjoyed our class discussion on digital materiality, which is a discussion I hear echoed in many places. The automotive world, for example, rarely has “mechanics.” Now we have […]
Not ready for prime time–initial thoughts on digital materiality
As I explored different web-based conversations on digital materiality, I was pleasantly surprised to come across the Materiality for Participation Workshop sponsored by the Noridc organization NordiCHI, a “forum for […]
Creepy Treehouse? Useful Tool? Both And . . .?
The Chronicle of Higher Eduction offers a short article on archiving students’ reading habits: “Data mining is creeping into every aspect of student life—classrooms, advising, socializing. Now it’s hitting textbooks, […]
Archives and Access
Ben Vershbow talks about “subverted hierarchy” when explaining how comments for a book writing project were along side text instead of following the structure most blogs use in which primary […]
Opening: Narrative Theory and Reading Machines
As the featured speaker at the first Narrating Change seminar several weeks ago, Jerome Brunner talked about narrative. At one point he explained that when he teaches narrative to his […]
Placeholder on reading
I agree with much of what Ammon and James say. I also gree with James about not writing off Ramsay. In fact, much of what Ramsay proposes makes sense to […]
On June 19, 2012, or a day or two after, I responded to the following comments made by Ray Huang of Turnitin: Turnitin recently added the ability to add colored […]