Erin’s post “Digital Materiality and the LoC” about her experience talking with local librarians and her find on the Library of Congress’s site “Why Digital Preservation is Important for Everyone” […]
Author Archive | Jenn Gapetz
Day of Digital Archives
Thanks to the power of Google I found the blog Day of Digital Archives ( We just missed this year’s day–October 12, 2012, but the blog still seems like an […]
Very First Thoughts on Digitial Archiving: The Sonic Memorial Project, Democratizing History, & Everything & the Kitchen Sink
When I hear “digital archives” the very first thing that pops in my mind is The Sonic Memorial Project. Before moving to New York, I led an Urban Studies study […]
Short List of New York Literary Maps & Trees (Links)
“A Literary Map of Manhattan” from The New York Times By Randy Cohen and Nigel Holmes “Here’s where imaginary New Yorkers lived, worked, played, drank, walked an looked at […]
Are you a Digitial Native? (Survey)
James’s post The Pleasure of the Hypertext and Anderson’s response to it made me curious: Do you consider yourself a “digital native?” Why?
Collaborating on Curriculum
I want to teach. Having an interdisciplinary background (American Studies), a wide range of interests, but limited teaching experience, combined with a highly competitive job market, limited opportunities, and a […]’s “Graduating with Technology”