Thanks to the power of Google I found the blog Day of Digital Archives (
We just missed this year’s day–October 12, 2012, but the blog still seems like an interesting resource nonetheless. Its posts and about sections are heavily sourced and hyperlinked. The organizer of the Day of Digital Archives is Gretchen Gueguen, the University of Virginia’s Digital Archivist for Digital Curation Services, and the people involved seem a who’s who of archivist, librarians, and other digital scholars. The Day of Digital Archives invites anyone to become involved in the project, by blogging (on the official site or another) and/or by tweeting. (See the “About the Project…” page for details.) I’m not sure if the blog will be regularly updated until the next Day of Digital Archives, but other digital humanities/digital scholarship blogs are the focus of their blogroll (“Our Favorite Blogs,” in the lower-right corner).
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